Dress Her Up: Garden Lattice Jumper

Many crocheters like to expand their crochet skills, especially with girl’s dress patterns such as this Garden Lattice Jumper.

Let me tempt you with some details. This jumper comes in sizes from 6 months all the way to 4 years old. The pattern includes diagrams and further help to make your dress a success story.

There is also a cross stitching diagram for those who want to add a design. If you don’t like the design, simply just use the same box diagram and figure out what you would like to put. Maybe a name, shape or whatever. You’re the crochet artist, you can make it very personalized.

Garden Lattice Jumper

The skirt area is actually one piece. The yarn strands are carried when they are not in use. So it’s not like you have to do the skirt twice.

The dress is worked from the bottom to the top. Essentially it’s like a Corner to Corner afghan. You start off with the most labor intensive part first and then work your way up. As you work your way up, there’s less to do. I love projects like that. I would rather do the most work up front and see progress get faster and faster.

Garden Lattice Jumper

Want to try this pattern? It’s a free pattern. It’s called the Garden Lattice Jumper.

Until next week, happy hook’n my friends!